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EIRON Eisenerz und Rohstoff GmbH
Berliner Platz / Bleichstrasse 1
61476 Kronberg

Phone:    +49 6173 952487
Fax:         +49 6173 952488


Corporate Headquarters: Kronberg Ts., Germany
Registration Office: Königstein District Court
Registration Number: HRA 3014
VAT No.: DE 119 250 962

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All data and content on this website may have been altered and/or manipulated. This may occur through third parties and without our knowledge. Therefore, we shall assume no liability for the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information reproduced here. This applies likewise for all other websites that are referenced by way of hyperlinks. The company reserves the right to alter or supplement the information or data provided without prior notice. In particular, we shall not assume liability of any kind for knowledge and statements, as well as any acts resulting on the basis of such knowledge or statements that emanate directly or indirectly from the analysis of the data, content and correlations of this website. This applies in particular to the stock market data contained on EIRON Eisenerz und Rohstoff GmbH web pages. This information has been made available and presented by third parties and is subject to a time delay. The information and data made available do not represent an encouragement or invitation to buy, sell or conduct any other type of trade in securities.

© EIRON Eisenerz und Rohstoff GmbH